Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pillow Talk

Love late night pillow talks with my husband. The kids were sleeping in the living room with their uncles so it was just the two of us. We talked about when we first met, reminisced about our first kiss, crazy arguments and fights that we went through, being young parents, past relationships and so much more. It always makes me smile thinking about how much we've been through together and to see where we are today, is a big accomplishment!
Afterwards, we picked up the controllers and played Halo Reach online haha He's a little jealous that I'm better than him ;) lol  Our kind of Love! hehe

Super excited for the next chapter in our lives! We are moving out to our own place soon so lately I've just been apartment shopping, trying to stay in our budget...will update you guys later on that :)

Oh yea and I made him call in the next day just because. He didn't mind:) hehe


  1. cool! party at your place! :) and you can't be making him call in to work too much, someone gotta pay the bills! lol

  2. Yay for you guys! I'm sure Lance was just hoping you would ask him to call in lol.

  3. haha I guess I won't be able to make him call in once we get our own place! haha might as well take advantage of it while we can:)
