Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas was, honestly...not the same:( I had to work Christmas Eve and Christmas day was spent at my sister in laws place in Des Moines! This year Lance and I decided we'll get the kids mainly clothes and 2-3 presents since we do live in a small apartment with other people so there is hardly any room for toys. I know I shouldn't worry about all the "worldly" things but it made me a little sad that my kids didn't get as many gifts as they usually do past Christmas's. I know I'm just letting my pride get to me but I'm over it and besides, my boys are still happy as could be with what they got. Drey got what he wanted which was an Xbox 360 and Kinect and Zee got a bunch of Car toys, his favorite!
At our apartment, it didn't feel at all like Christmas was coming up...mostly because this year my in-laws decided not to put the tree up because the kids will most likely put it right back down. Lol I thought to myself, "ok, what about my's not fair to them." for a second a got a little emotional because it made me miss my family even more. I haven't been myself lately because I hate missing out on family activities or get togethers that we always do as a family. Missing out on watching my nieces and nephew grow up. Things like that...I just miss:(
On a good note, we did get to oovoo Elder Alo! We three way'd with my family so it was nice seeing everyone together. He is doing well and loving the mission field! At the same time we were watching my family do their white elephant gift exchange and that's when I got all teary eyed. My family didn't notice but I was feeling so down! Seeing them all have a good time, laughing at what everyone got...I wanted to be there enjoying Christmas with them.
Although I was a super Debbie downer, I can't thank my In laws enough for everything they've done! We did have a good dinner that day and I introduced the White Elephant game to them before the kids opened their gift! It was a success and hilarious too! We played it different so everyone had a limit of $1 or it can be something from your house, something creative. We had 18 ppl play so everyone has a gift. We all stood up in a circle and we sang "Love at Home" every time we say LOVE...we would pass it to the right and when it was finished we opened our gift we ended up with, one by one! The funniest was Stephens gift. It was in a big box but in it, was a can of Pikaki! We all had a good laugh at that. But it was fun and every one seemed to enjoy it as well.

So This season wasn't all that bad.

Next's Christmas in UTAH!!


  1. Oh man, I can totally relate. As much as I "try" to be positive and make it good, it really isn't the same as back home. What a stupid idea to get married. Lmbo. Glad it wasn't too bad for you.

  2. what is christmas with no tree? :( I need to blog but maybe next week lol. I hope you enjoyed your christmas... we miss u guys Tilly xo

  3. Utah girls at heart right Lili! Hehe definitely isn't the same without your family! Nuu- your so right! Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas without a tree but hey, what can ya do? It's not my home but I'm making sure next yr will be twice as better as 2011:) love you and Lii
