Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pursuit of Happyness

Everything seems to be falling into place and so much is lifted off my shoulders.
Unexpectedly, Lance got called to come in for an interview at the Target Distribution center in Lacey, WA and we were not prepared for it! We just paid our flight tickets for Monday and paid bills so we were tight on money and had no idea how we were going to get Lance to Washington by Thursday afternoon. Wednesday we were hoping to hear back from his boss at his current job to see if they can approve an advance and just have them take it out of his next pay check but unfortunately they were unable to.
When Lance called me around 11:30 a.m. saying that he couldn't get an advance, my last option was to ask my family for help. I decided to check (My favorite website for classifields), and bam! The most recent post was a guy selling his bus ticket to Washington State for $50! I mean, how often does that happen? lol So I called Lance and told him about it and he left work right away. It's about 5 min til 12pm, Lance works all the way in Rose Park, he had to drive down to Midvale to get the ticket and here I am thinking, "Ok, we need to check the bus schedule first before we buy the ticket." I call Greyhound and ask when the next departure is to Washington and he says at 12:45 pm! Are you kidding me? So here I am, calling Lances phone teling him to hurry up and he still hasn't picked up the ticket yet. And then...The representative guy from greyhound tells me that we cannot use the ticket because it doesn't have Lances name on it and if they end up asking for ID he'll get charged for fraud and kick him off the bus! Like seriously! Can this situation get any worse? haha
By the time Lance picked me up, we had 15 minutes to get there. The greyhound station is in Downtown SL so at this point we are just crossing our fingers!
We get there about 2 min after 12:45, thinking its already to late! Ran inside and yay! the bus was still there and everyone was already inside of it.

We couldn't change the name on the ticket because the gates were closed so they said it is up to the bus driver if he wants to let Lance in or not. We waited and waited and finally the driver comes up to us, looks at the ticket and says, "Alright! you can get on." phewww!!! I was so happy but at the same sad that my poor honey had to take a BUS! In my opinion, a lot worse than driving on your own.

In other words, if it wasn't for that $50 Ticket, Lance would not have been able to get that job! Yes bloggers - he got hired!

I'm so happy for all that he does for us from the smallest things to taking a 22 hour bus ride to Washington for an interview. I told Lance in a joking way that this is his "pursuit of happiness" story hehe A story that i sure will never forget. I love you Lance Tali Afuvai! Also, I forgot to mention Thanks! To our sister Kalani Tolenoa for buying Lances one way ticket back home. Everyone is struggling these days with money and bills and yet, they still wanted to help out. Love ya sis!! Thanks for all you do for us:)

"Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow"
Martin Frohm: "What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?"
Christopher Gardner: "He must have had on some really nice pants."

1 comment:

  1. That's great! What an awesome experience. There is a divine hand in all things that mysteriously/miraculously come together :) I'm excited for you and your family. Washington is a great state!
