Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Things on my mind...

Earlier today I was browsing the internet doing research for a school project on parenting and one paragraph stood out to me: Those who delay parenthood – to build a career, to save money, to travel and enjoy their twenties and early thirties without being tied down by a family – were much more unhappy once they finally became parents, because they knew exactly what they were giving up by having children.

Hmmm never thought of it from that angle.

But you know what? I still know what I gave up by having kids, just not as concretely.

I had my first child at 17 yrs old! Yes I know! Very young age right? I had many opportunities in line for me. I wanted to go to college and play basketball or volleyball, experience the "young college life" but instead, I was buying diapers and wipes to prepare for our son.
Brighton Volleyball 2006
I feel as if I have been a mother my entire life but my children and my husband are something that I wouldn’t give up for anything in the entire world.
Our wedding Day 11/17/07
I can bet I would be getting more sleep, I’d be buying more clothes, I’d be tasting my dinners instead of inhaling it between requests from the kids, I could watch rated R movies without having to leap for the remote when my three-year-old toddles into the room, I would run the dishwasher less often. I could leave my package of Oreos on the counter instead of hiding them in the cabinet. I could of had the perfect body and not have to worry about my "war marks" lol In fact, I could be saving the $1,200 to who knows how much we spend, each month on diapers, formula, clothes etc;

I would be more energetic. I might even be exercising more. I’d be writing more and reading more and sitting down with my feet up more.

I could keep going forever and ever. This post could be a mile long. But you get the point.

For a lot of moms, thinking about what their lives could have been like is pointless, or worse, makes them feel like they don’t really love their kids.

I love my kids to pieces but I do realize how vastly different my life would be if they weren’t here. And that’s OKAY. I’ve made plenty of sacrifices in order to be a better mom. Is anything more important than my kids? Nope. So I’m good.

BUT, with all that said, even though we all know what we are giving up in order to raise our children, we don’t dwell on those facts. At least, I don’t. And I know many friends of mine who don’t dwell on those things either. Sure, there are those days of defeat and exhaustion and desperation and you just want to clean the bathroom without any interruptions, but most days are wonderful days, full of laughter, sticky kisses, and playtime. And with so much extra love in your life, those other things just don’t matter.

For me, its about all the wonderful changes that have come into my life since my 2 boys were born. They are my incredible little miracle baby’s and have filled my life with so much love and joy, the other things just can’t even compare. They are wonderful and I couldn’t imagine my life without them – life without them just simply wouldn’t be worth living. I’m not saying every single day is all roses and sunshine. Cause its not. Being a young mom has its own set of unique challenges and moments of I-want-to-rip-my-hair-out LOL

Being a mom has been my most important and most rewarding job that I’ve ever had, and I’m so grateful for the chance to experience this, even if I have had to give up some experiences. It is all worth it, and I couldn’t imagine my life being anything other than what it is.

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