Thursday, January 13, 2011

vent session lol

I love my calling in the Young if I haven't mentioned that already. lol I love that I get to plan out activities for the girls and be able to get to know them better! We had mutual today and we decided to catch up on their personal progress. The theme for the night was IHOP "important hour of progress." while working on their personal progress, they had pancakes and OJ, just like being at ihop. Most of them didn't bring their books so we decided to let the girls make their own pancakes and serve it to each other so they can pass off on one of their projects. The leaders this year are awesome! We've come up with some great ideas for the next 3 months and I'm sure the girls will love them.

ok...venting time! lol It's kind of hard to write about something that you hope won't hurt someone's feelings or offend anyone. I just hate being misunderstood period! I've been told that I'm TOO nice, that I can never say no to anyone. Makes it look like its bad or something. but thats just me. I think I get if from my Dad because he is the same way. I know when to say "no" to someone lol I dont think it's just being misunderstood, there's a lot more too it. For example...Volleyball. I play because I enjoy it...because it's my time away for myself to have fun rather than being at home with the kids. I love being with my boys without a doubt, but we all need some ME time to ourselves and I like to play sports. But I get mistaken for being a bad mother for leaving my kids....I would understand if I played 4x a week, but at the most its 2. Am I wrong for thinking this way? 
There's so much more that I don't want to put on here but I'm starting to regret moving here to Washington. Ok, I know it's out of anger that I just said that but I miss my family! I miss my friends and most importantly I miss my parents. I miss their guidance & advice that they gave Lance and I, the way they would always bring our family together and we would just laugh and enjoy each other's company. I miss get-to-together's with my extended family and my nieces and nephews:(

I hope I didn't confuse any of you with my little vent session. lol I didn't go into too much detail with that haha
But good news parents come back from Samoa the end of this month and are planning to drive up here to pick the kids up for 2 weeks. They want to spend as much time with them before they move to Samoa. I really hope they don't though (that calls for another blog post lol). but anyway, 2 weeks is a bit too long, so maybe I'll take a little vaca with them! haha we'll see! 


  1. Girl it is okay to have ME time!! I know exactly how you feel. I get the same crap for taking ME time too. Keep up the great work. YOu are awesome! It's also great to vent so that you can get over it fast. Have a wonderful day! MOMS ROCK!!

  2. Sis don't even worry about it.. ME time is great everyone needs it.. I don't have kids but me time is always great away from the hubby lol.. but just know that we love and miss you lance drey and Z and hope the best for you out there.. it's a learning experience so take in everything you can it'll only make you and your family stronger.. I would love to have you guys move back but I think you guys are much needed out there until everything gets situated you know but were always here for you guys if you need anything it'll get better your can do it sis.. love you guys kiss the boys for me and let them know their favorite aunty pearl misses them lol..

  3. Aww just had to comment...2 times a week? I have me time 4 sometimes 5 times a week hehe:) Me time is what keeps us mommies sane:)

  4. Venting eases the mind :) I hope everything works out for you...don't feel bad some people are just old fashioned; If I can ever help PLEASE call, I know it's hard to ask for help especially people you aren't really used to, but honestly if you need me, I'm literally down the street :) Come over and get away once in awhile, I don't do anything but lounge around the house anyway.

  5. I wish you the best Tilly....its hard being away from your family......I can see how close you are. Be strong, turn to the lord, and please give me call if you need any help (just like paaga) dont have to do it by yourself...and dont let those people push you around...your stronger than they are... :) how about a play date with the kids.... :)

    and yes...Mommy time is AWESOME!!! :) luv it!
